Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday March 28th 2011

So I have not posted in a while "with exception to last night"
I would like to start and say that I love my Innov8 shoes and I am looking forward to my F 195's arriving this week.  I also need to start doing more mobility WOD's to help this old body heal and be ready to go strong on my next day of working out. 
Workout for today  as described
Ring dips 4x3 working up to 44lbs
Metcon 50 burpees rest 2 minutes run 1 mile rest 5 minutes 50 burpees
20:57 total time with a 7:11 mile 
I have more in me and would like to visit this metcon again.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

PR update

So in the last week I have been using my innov8's and not wearing my orthotics.
The results are in
92 DU
5 K 22:36
I am stoked and hope to continue these great out puts
I just need to remember to rest, recover, and eat right and everything should be good


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Stephen and I ran the Dash Down Greenville today. Originally we had some time goals but after seeing the huge crowd decided to use today as a tempo run. The course was challenging in that the initial quarter mile or so was really narrow and difficult to navigate with all the people, strollers and dogs. It never really did thin out so an all out effort wasn't possible. It was a great opportunity though to work on run form and technique, which is what we did. It was a beautiful day and was a fun run.

Monday, March 7, 2011

This weekend I attended the Crossfit Endurance Certification Seminar. It was defininately a productive weekend with a lot of great drills and feedback on running form. My calves are feeling a little tight today but overall not too bad!

Dips 5x5 (Increase 5# from last time)

3 Rounds
400m run
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Pull-ups

GHD sit-ups 3x18

This was today's WOD. I did ring dips with the purple band and definitely need to work on these without the band, the are a weak spot for sure! The Met-Con was pretty good overall considering the weekend, finished in 10:49 with 35# KB and blue+purple band for pull-ups. The last time I did this I used 26# KB and green band for pull ups in 12:11. Pretty big change! I do want to be sure to get back to working on getting away from the band on my pull-ups, that's been really getting on my nerves lately!! Great recovery has been a huge bonus overall though, clean eating for the majority of our meals is definitely making all the difference! It was also great that my husband was in such a comedic mood the AM since it did make the morning easier :)